Day 18

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Day 18: October 16, 2021 (Marfa TX to Sanderson TX)

I was going to fix the flat tire on my primary recumbent bike before we started riding today but I was in a groove with writing my story; so, I didn’t.  Despite the recumbent bikes being the same model from the same manufacture, they feel different.  The only difference I can see is my primary recumbent has a softer seat padding than the backup one.  It does seem to make a difference.  I’m going to switch seat paddings today to see if it matters. 

As we were getting ready for my ride, Sergio was heading out the door to start his ride.  I met Sergio on day 1 at the Pine Valley Inn.  He is doing the same cross-country ride as I am, he started and 9/29, he is doing it solo, and he is from Mesa AZ.  He lives about 10 minutes away from me.  How crazy is that!

Sergio and I have ridden a little bit together over the previous days but not too much; our schedules have been different.   Today, we were in sync, so we started out together.  It was cool but no wind for the first hour, then the wind picked up.  Yes, it was a head wind again.  The locals say it’s unusual for easterly winds this time of year.  My experience is that is it common with almost every day having head winds.

Over the last several days, work has started to catch up with me; there are certain things that I have to take care of.  So, I’ve been working a few hours a day for the last several days.  Today was no different.  We arrived in Sanderson about 3 PM, got checked in to our motel, and I started working.  

I’m pretty tired mentally and physically, and my back is starting to ache.  Other than the cut on my knee from a fall the other day, my legs feel good.  My right shoulder aches; I’ve had issues with this shoulder before.  My head is in an okay space; I’m trying to focus on just today, get my riding in, and get my writing in.  

If you were to ask me today, has it been worth it; I’d have to respond, “I don’t know”.  I’ve had a few revelations (writing my story, long term mental health care focused on helping people feel better about themselves), but I’ve had a lot of doubt too.  And I’ve wanted to quit three times and almost did once.  I hope that when I complete this journey, I can look back and say it was absolutely worth it.


Day 19


Day 17